• Register here.                                                  
  • To arrange a tour of our beautiful and historic building and tunnels below, please email [email protected].  We ask that you allow up to 3 days for one of our volunteer docents to respond.  We look forward to hosting you and your group.

  • Watch our weekly videos of Sermons, Gospel Lessons, Comforting Words, and Music on our YouTube page.

    (Click on our YouTube page link below)
  • Gracious and loving God, we thank you for sending your life-giving Spirit to dwell with us in the community of Emmanuel Parish; infuse us with passion for worship of you, and for service to the greater community of Cumberland and beyond. Give us wisdom and perseverance in being a mutually supportive, inviting and inclusive congregation; and help us in all things to follow the example of him whom we call “God with us,” even Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray.


Summer Lunch Program

“When I was hungry, you fed me.

When I was thirsty, you gave me drink”

Fifty percent of the children in the City of Cumberland are eligible to receive free or reduced breakfasts and lunches at their school during the academic year. That is a staggering number. It also means that when the school year ends, their vital source of nutrition is cut off. Founded in 2001, the Summer Lunch Box provides lunches for the children who are on the City playgrounds in supervised recreational programs for the period in the summer that those programs run. This season alone, we anticipate providing lunches to approximately 800 children. Breakfasts are also delivered to the major program at Constitution Park for children dropped off early by the parents who have to get to work.

Volunteers gather each day to prepare nutritionally balanced food and deliver them to the children at the playground sites. We also leave coolers with fruit drinks and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for snacks later in the afternoon.

There are never any leftovers because the children take the extra lunches home to their families.

Questions?  Contact Cumberland Area Summer Lunch Box, Inc. at 301-729-3136.

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